Thursday, October 25, 2018

September: Joseph's Birthday - 15!!

Oh, this amazing kid made me a mom 15 years ago. Being a parent brings so many emotions with it. I was 24 when I had Joseph and thought I had a pretty good idea of what life was all about and how to navigate it mostly. Well, Joseph has been my introduction into the unknown. He is a great kid and has helped me learn and understand so much about this world and the people in it. He has humbled me, loved me, forgiven me, and made me laugh. He offers his joy and laughter to anyone willing to join him in his happiness. Joseph seeks for goodness, light, fun, righteousness and obedience. 
 One giant pancake for my man child. 

 Due to early morning seminary, we did not have our usual birthday breakfast. So, Joseph asked for breakfast for dinner. He also asked for bundt cakes for dessert and I was happy to oblige- thank you Nothing Bundt Cakes. 
And then, this happened a few days later- He passed his Eagle Board of Review. So proud of him! 

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