Thursday, October 25, 2018

September: Races- Tour de Fleur and Tough Mudder

I ran the Tour de Fleur at the Dallas Arboretum in the middle of September and it was a wonderful day for a race. This is such a fun race and the after party is so great- there is so much food! 
I love the group of ladies that include me in their running circle. 
 My final time.
Above is the pre-race and the below is the post-race.
At the end of September, Peter and I ran the Tough Mudder. It had rained and rained off and on for the days and even weeks leading up to it. The race was on though and gratefully we had an earlier start time. There was so, so much mud! The past 2 mud races I have done the trail between obstacles was dry dirt or sidewalk or road. Anyway, this time the trail due to the aforementioned rain was like unto a swamp, bog, mud bath, pigsty- choose your happy muddy place. We walked more than we ran due to not wanting to get hurt. They actually shut the race down a few hours after we finished due to medical help not being able to get to those injured on the trail. 
 Above: pre-race and below: post-race. This is the same spot and notice the grass has disappeared. 

This is my friend Stephanie Yost and I hope we have many more running adventures ahead of us. 

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