Thursday, October 4, 2018

August: End of Summer

School started early this year August 15th so those last 2 weeks flew by. 
As I mentioned before, we played quite a few games. This is a new one we got to make it through the final few weeks- Bananagrams. I love it and Peter likes it too the kids were not as thrilled about a spelling game. The one picture below, Jon and I worked together to use all of the pieces. 

 Arabella had a play date with her friend Lauren. They baked some treats in the easy bake oven and had the cutest little tea party ever. 

 Jon has developed a love of reading and it makes me so happy. This is a picture of him breathing in the smell of a new book - new to the library and new to him. He really enjoyed this series. 

 One Wednesday night, we rode the boys to their young men's activity and then enjoyed a bike ride together after to a park for a little play time. The sunset was so beautiful! 
We also had a quite a few rainy days during the final 2 weeks of summer. Samantha put her rain boots to good use.  
 Joseph will likely freak out when he sees this picture here but I felt it should be documented. We started him in so Neuro Therapy as well as some regular therapy. For the neuro therapy, it is helpful for them to do a brain map. Well, this is a picture from that day. He looks so great in his hat! 
 Lily had her own adventure with the dentist. Her 2 front teeth were loose but would not wiggle looser or come out no matter how much we wiggled. Finally when her new tooth emerged behind the baby teeth, it was time to take action. We went to the dentist and she pulled those baby teeth and then referred us so the orthodontist. 
The orthodontist did this panoramic xray and found that it was not actually her permanent tooth that had come in but an extra-numerary (sp?) tooth (an extra tooth). So we headed back to the dentist and had that extra tooth pulled. The hope is that the permanent teeth will now be able to descend like they need to and we will not actually need to do braces now but can wait until she is older. 
 That is the extra tooth and it had the craziest root on it. Lily did so well and she was so brave! 
 Meet the teacher night! We walked over to the school because it had been raining for a few days in a row and we had not been out much so we were grateful for some clear skies. 
Lily got a new teacher Mrs. Albin- she is fantastic! She had a unicorn folder for all of the class papers at the parent orientation night which pretty much sealed the deal for Lily that she would be the best teacher ever. 
Arabella has Mrs. Kaufman who has been a kindergarten teacher until this year and she co teaches with Mrs. Dawes who was Joseph's kindergarten teacher but has taught in the other grades since. I was so happy to see both of their names. 

 Jon looks so great sitting on Mrs. Albin's pink couch! 

 I loved watching the girls walk home together talking about all of the things sisters talk about. I pray they will always be close. 
This was the one picture that we were able to take of our final summer activity- touring the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Fort Worth. You are not allowed to take phones with you at all in to the building. It was really interesting and I hope we get to go again soon. 

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