Thursday, October 4, 2018

August: Lily's 7th Birthday

Lily, you are a bright light in our family! You bring joy to all you come in contact with. You are smart and funny and creative. I love seeing and hearing you play. You are strong and know how to take charge of a situation, I hope you always use this for good. 
Lily, really wanted a hatchimal cake. I thought you bet and had a 2 dimensional plan in mind but Peter in his awesomeness came up with a 3 dimensional plan. Incredible! 
 This is the bird that he created to "hatch" from the egg shaped cake. 
 Hatchimals have a heart on the outside that you rub and that is how the egg hatches. It is a really good likeness to the real thing! 
 Lily's birthday landed on fast Sunday. Traditionally, we have Dad's famous pancakes for breakfast but she opted to have those for her Birthday dinner. Look at that girl beam! 

 New scriptures and a scripture bag for the new 7 year old.  
 She did get some actual hatchimals and she shared with all of us so we could each open one. So sweet! 

She did not know about the hatchimal inside and she was so surprised! 
We love you Lily girl! 

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