Saturday, August 31, 2013

Tennessee Part 3

Monday in Tennessee also happened to be Lily's birthday!
We had a fun day! 
We went to The Hermitage- Andrew Jackson's House/Plantation.
It was so beautiful and the headset tour was really interesting. I listened to the kid version so that I could talk with my kids about what they were hearing.
His wife loved to garden and they have maintained a beautiful garden where she kept hers.
It is also where they are buried along with a few of their really loyal servants/slaves. Yes, he owned slaves and it was interesting to hear how they presented his slavery. They said that he was not a good slave owner because no slaver owner was a good one. It was not good to own slaves. Again, I was listening to the kid version but it was a simple way to answer a question that nearly tore this country in two. 
We took a few gifts for Lily to open. They were all baby/doll related. She loves her baby dolls!
Lily you are the sweetest little girl and we love the way you make us laugh and smile each day! 
You bring joy to all around you!

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