Monday, August 19, 2013

13 is Not Unlucky for Me

This is the man who stole my heart long before I realized it. 
I was lucky enough for him to give me a second chance!
 I was lucky enough to find someone who loves the scriptures, the gospel, the priesthood, and scouting- all important to me.
I was lucky enough to wait while he served a mission!
I was lucky enough to have him propose last minute at the airport gate as they were making the final boarding call.  And I was lucky enough that when I did not say anything really but boarded the plane for Guatemala instead that he did not take that for a no.  But, a few days later we were able to finalize our engagement over email. I am lucky to have such modern conveniences, even in Guatemala!
I was lucky enough to go through school with him. 
I was lucky enough to have children with him- they are wonderful bits of him!
I was lucky enough to have somehow caught his eye and have him decide that I was worth putting up with!
I am lucky enough to get to anxiously await the garage door opening each day and to see him come through the door and feel love and peace when I see him. 
I am lucky enough that he supports and encourages me everyday!
13 may be an unlucky number for some but for me the last 13 years have been filled with the luck of being married to this amazing man! 
I love you Peter E!

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