Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lily and Samantha

With the big kids gone to school and Lily for 3 days at preschool  for half of the day, I spend a lot of great hours with Samantha. But, I know Samantha enjoys the times when Lily is there too.
They are quite the pair! 

Most of these pictures capture precious moments in my day of seeing the imagination, personality, and love these two possess. But the above picture needs a bit of explaining. Samantha found a folded load of the boys' laundry and proceeded to put on Joseph's underwear (both of her legs in one of Joseph's leg holes) and she put on one of Jon's socks. Oh she is so funny! 
I am not a perfect mother and most days I am just happy we made it through the day without a major catastrophe or breakdown but I would not trade being a mother for anything in the world. 

1 comment:

Kelsey Booth said...

I love those sweet girls!