Easter went something like this at our house: Joey was bound and determined to catch the easter bunny. I set my alarm for 5 so I could make a special treat and make sure the bunny came. Ah, the best laid plans- Joey was up at 4:58 and never went back to sleep. Joey stayed in his room until 6:15 when he came down with Peter who had to write his talk for sacrament. Sasha ran up the stairs and woke up Jon about 6:30. I told the boys they had to wait until 7:15 to collect any eggs then I would get Arabella up. I then had to stipulate that she got to find 4 eggs before they could pick up even one because they had figured out where most of them were.
And so the hunt!

1st Egg found

Peanut's basket with princess dolls.

Joey got his basket down before I could get a picture but the squirt gun was great even without water.

Jon found his and was loving his water gun! (They played with these until it was time to get ready for church and there was no fighting. Yea!!!!)

Reach for those high ones!

This was the elusive egg! Last egg found.

Bunny Buns! (Recipe found in the Friend April 2011 issue) These took almost 4 hours exactly from start to finish (they really take 2 hours to rise). Delicious!

Easter picture! (Thanks mailbox for doubling as a tripod.)

They may not have smiles but they sure look good. Joey got his first actual tie- tie, now we can both learn how to tie one. And yes, Arabella is wearing mardi gras beads- she and Jon had been playing dress ups and it was not worth fighting her to take them off.
It was a great Easter! Peter did a great job on his talk even though he ended up with 1/3 the time he was supposed to get. The kids were on a sugar buzz all day, I got a nap in the afternoon and we had 2 sets of missionaries for dinner. I listened to Conference while I was in the kitchen and it was wonderful. I am so grateful for that time in the kitchen by myself when I could hear the testimonies of apostles and reflect on what Easter is all about. I am so thankful for my Savior! Oh the wonderful power of the atonement and the blessing of the sacrament. I am so grateful for the resurrection and knowing that He lives.
Jon's teacher greeted me at preschool this morning with the exclamation: "He is risen!" I echo her sentiments. I often feel that the last week of Christ's life was dark- betrayal, beatings, pain, agony, the atonement, crucifixion- and yet I love the picture of Christ appearing to Mary outside of the tomb. The picture (standard church one) is full of light and he is whole and his purpose fulfilled. He is risen! I am so grateful for the restoration and my membership in this great church. I pray that each day I may strive to live more like Him.
I am so glad you had a great Easter. Your kids are hilarious and I love hearing all about he funny things they do!
Your bunny rolls look delicious. Funny thing is when I first read "he is resin" I thought she was referring to the tiny one in your tummy, because you are finally starting to show. So cute. But silly me. You look great!
happy easter! looked like tons of fun! the kids are getting so BIG! hope you are feeling well, you look great. as for italy, even though some people can be a pain, still worth it. just ignore them and think of it like visiting nyc. big city rudeness!
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