Friday, May 10, 2019

February: Valley Ridge School Dance and CALMER

Arabella has the best group of friends! They are giggly, creative, smart, friendly, and inclusive. 
Arabella asked if they could come over after school and play/hang out and then get ready for the annual Valentine's dance at Valley Ridge Elementary. We made it happen and it was a great experience. 
 They all love a few different cooking shows or shows with cooking in them and so we decorated cookies. The sugar added to their level of energy!
They also had fun loving on Frank- they are all obsessed! 
 Arriving at the dance, we met up with a few more friends. 
 Lily had more than one boy that followed her around and wanted to dance with her. 
 Samantha was in heaven hanging out with the big girls. 

 It was a fun night for me too, hanging with my girls and seeing them love their friends and their school. They have a great school with great teachers. I also really enjoy the moms of Arabella's friends which makes it great for me too! 
They gave themselves and acronym: CALMER
Chloe, Arabella, Lauren, Mia, Ella, and Riley
(Pictured above L to R: Arabella, Riley, Mia, Ella, Chloe, Lauren)

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