Sunday, May 12, 2019

February 2019: Sharkarosa Ranch

For Christmas, our Booth cousins gave us a groupon to Sharkarosa Ranch, a wildlife rescue/petting zoo type place. We had been waiting for a weekend that we did not have anything and the weather was good and finally settled for a weekend that we did not have anything. It was super cold, at least for us Texans. 

 We tried so many times to get a good picture of us with the Camels behind us. This one was pretty good and we caught Joseph too. 

Joseph is trying to make his best bear face. 
Some of the animals were totally unwilling to leave their habitat due to the cold- I could not blame them. We glimpsed the bear. The kids want to go again when it is summer time or at least warmer. 
The kids had so much fun feeding the animals and seeing weird things like a zebra/donkey mix (Zedonk), zebra/horse mix (Zorse), a beefalo (cow and buffalo), and a binturong (which gives off the odor of buttered popcorn- really)! 

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