Thursday, November 29, 2018

Life in all of its glory

The first Monday in November, Lily did a cartwheel and landed poorly on her right arm hurting her elbow. She was still complaining about it 2 days later so I took her to an urgent care. We were told she had a very small fracture in her elbow and told to follow up with orthopedics. I called and got an appointment for the next day. I had Graduate school orientation so Peter was the lucky guy who got to take her. He waited a ridiculous amount of time but in the end we were told that no, it was not broken. Lily was so relieved. 20ish hours in the splint was more than enough for her. 
 Jon is doing really well with his bagpipe lessons. This is a total random thing for sure but he is interested and does not complain too much about practicing. I look forward to the time when he gets to play on actual bagpipes and wears a kilt. ;)

 And finally, we needed to test out Peter's new Dutch Oven and its ability to make the pizza we had planned for our Thanksgiving camping trip. It worked so well! 
It was not too difficult to convince this guy to do a little dutch oven cooking. 

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