Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ice Skating

This little girl asked if we could go ice skating while we were on our trip and so we made it happen.
 She quickly realized that ice skating is harder than it looks but she did a great job! 
 Some of the Bird cousins came along- Jon and Parker are taking a break. 
 Joseph so focused! 
 Arabella the beauty! 
The crew! My kids loved being around their cousins!
Samantha did not come- she had been running a fever still and had quite the cough.  Grandma Bird was so kind to help out.  Peter did not make it either because he was lucky enough to go out riding with Uncle Ben- yes on bikes and yes it was super cold. 
But even with the cold, we went for ice cream at BYU Creamery because the kids wanted to. 

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