Monday, March 9, 2009

Buried Treasure

Was our first mistake putting Jon in a pirate shirt yesterday or Peter leaving his wedding ring on the counter?! Needless to say this is how our day ended yesterday. Peter and I made a Peruvian meal for a family in our ward who has son getting ready to head to the Lima Central Mission. While Peter was cooking he took his ring off. At one point he saw Joey playing with it on the counter and told him to stop. Then when the meal was over and everything was cleaned up we could not find his ring. We asked the boys and Jon said he had taken it to the sandbox. Peter had to go to a meeting and so I did further investigating. I asked Jon again because I did not want to believe it. He said he buried it so George (Uncle Ben's dog that lives in Utah) would not get it. Well the boys were great and we started looking but as you can see our sandbox is quite large and is about 9 inches deep. When Peter returned home, I had brought the boys in to get ready for bed. He asked Jon where he got the ring from and Jon said without hesitation from the counter. We had both prayed by this point and decided to put the boys in bed and go out hunting treasure. Jon would not make a good pirate becasue he did not have a map or leave an X to mark the spot. We tried to sift the sand through some collanders but it was too wet and so we were left to Peter shaking it from a shovel and I was digging through with my hands. The Lord does answer prayers because it was beginning to seem like a daunting task and we had only dug down about 5 inches in one spot when I saw something shiny. Yes! It was Peter's ring. Peter immediately went to get the camera because this was an experience that needed to be documented. We love our little Jon we just need to help him know what can and cannot be buried. Also, Peter has decided to find a better place to store his ring if he takes it off.


Lindsey said...

That is AWESOME!!! Way to have a great attitude about it!

Melinda McBride said...

Holy crap. That sounds like something that would totally happen at our house. Happy day you found it!!! Jon cracks me up... and yes, he needs to practice his pirate skills... Too cute!