Saturday, May 30, 2015

Something Coming

When I was in San Antonio with my mom and sisters, I told them that I had this feeling that there was something coming for our family but I was not sure what it was- church, work, family... who knows what. 
Well, this picture was taken the day some of that feeling came to pass. 
Actually, the Sunday before about 9:45 pm I got a message asking if my husband and I could meet with the stake president on Wednesday night.  Peter was traveling the whole week so after a few more tests and a phone call at 10 from a high councilman it was set to meet on Saturday morning.  This allowed me the whole week to wonder what was in store. By the end of the week, I was convinced I was likely in trouble for saying or doing something or really I had no idea.  No, that was not the case but I was called to be the 2nd counselor in the Stake RS Presidency.  I met the new president that night at the adult meeting for Stake Conference - she was sitting in front of us- and she was so nice! When I told he who I was, she said, "Oh you are the name on the paper."  Apparently, she had a list of some sort and she said my name stuck out to her and she knew that is who she needed to have. This was a tender mercy to me- I knew the Lord knew who I was and that he had a work for me to do. 
I am so sad to not be a ward missionary anymore but I am so grateful that I can still be a missionary no matter what my calling is. 
Isn't my family so cute! Thank you camera timer. 


Wendy said...

Adorable family photo, and wow, Shell! You will be great, just as you are at everything you set out to do! Love you, girlie!

Lindsey said...

Fantastic! You will be great - so positive and encouraging and you have BEEEN there, so will be better equipped to help!