Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Soccer Saturday #2

Jon had his second game on Saturday and notice the new uniform. it looks nice, eh?!
I only took these two pictures because it was so cold! It was about 45 with the wind blowing and maybe 50 when it was not. I know for so many of you that seems warm but for us Texans who have had an unusually warm winter, it was cold!

I was again amazed at how much more control he has over his body and his overall awareness of what it going on. He is more engaged in the game. He is pretty good runner. 
I still had to laugh a few times because the boys on both teams rather than just going up and kicking the ball away from the other team seemed to pause and wait for the person to kick it - almost like they did not want to take the ball away or like they were taking turns.
It makes me think that we spend so much time trying to teach our kids to take turns and share that when we put them into something like a competitive sport it is a bit hard for their brains to switch gears and learn to "take" when playing this game or others like it. 
Joey missed his game because he had Taekwondo testing but Thursday will be his first game and we are looking forward to it.

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