Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Favorite Things

For this week's post, I am going to simply type in some of our entries from our Favorite Things journal we try to do every night. Thank you Cristi for the great idea! You will probably be able to tell who some of them came from: going to the fabric store with mom and dad, getting great and a blue star at karate, fixing the insurance-finally, running earrands with my family, playing at the Black's house (x2), taking a nap with mom, making dinner with Jon's help and not having to work, sending out 15 applications, playing at Henry and Jack Larsen's house (x2), eating applesauce at the park, my haircut and seeing Peter so excited about going to Wood Badge, picnic at preschool, Rafael's birthday party, Larsen's coming over to play, a clean house and hanging with my kids, being carried by dad in the bjorn, Mitch Hawk's farewell party, winning the bike race home, seeing my family after Wood Badge, having dad come home, learning about animals at church, eating an otter pop after walking home from church, eating watermelon at dinner, eating dinner as a family, hanging out with my family, FHE at the Abney's, going to the movie and bowling, sucking on an apple fruit leather, a fun day with my family, shopping with mom, pizza for dinner, getting new prizes for our reward bag, shopping for a little bit and getting so much done on the to do list (x2).
I love seeing how some days our greatest joys are so simple and may be just the fact that we spent time together. Other days it is in the things we do such as movies or playing with friends. More than once in the last couple of weeks we have had one or more of us simply say the whole day! Life is fillled with joys of all shapes and sizes.


Kelsey Booth said...

I love those. Sounds like life is filled with so much joy in your home :)

Levanger Family said...

It's the simple things that make life worthwhile!