Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dorothy's Dash

Peter and I decided we need to do something to help our kids understand the importance of daily exercise and being fit and healthy. 
So, at the beginning of the school year, we started waking the kids up 15 minutes earlier and doing family exercise. Monday, Wednesday and Friday we do a calisthenics routine with jumping jacks, running in place, lunges, squats, jump squats, push-ups, tricep dips, and sit- ups.  Tuesday and  Thursday we run laps in the alley behind our house- that way everyone can run at their own pace but we can keep an eye on each other. 
To try and help the kids see what they are capable of doing now so we entered a race. 
 There was a Kids K which Jon, Arabella, and Lily ran and a 5 K which Peter, Joseph and I ran. 
 Arabella finished first!
 Jon finished strong!
 Lily made it with a lot of help from our dear friend Jen and Dad helped at the end as well. 
This picture melts my heart- it shows the tenderness that Peter has for his girls!
Peter made a goal to keep up with me and he did. I felt good and had a great race. We both timed at 23:29! Joseph was a bit psyched out by the distance but in the end he did amazing as well, especially for having never run this far at one time- 26:39.  Peter took 6th in  his age group and I took 12th and Joseph took 13th! 
We had a lot of fun running together and I look forward to doing another race as a family soon!

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