Sunday, July 20, 2014

In Summer (sing the title)

It is a Sunday afternoon and we needed something to do. 
Lily has become an expert at pulling out the craft supplies since they were moved from Samantha's room which was the craft/food storage/catch all room. She had begun to pull out the pipe cleaners and on the front of one package there was a picture of a frame that had been decorated with pipe cleaners and so it began.  I made the boys participate and in the end they had an okay time. 
 The girls hung in there a little longer and we made our rendition of Olaf, personal snow flurry and all. 
Now the girls are watching Frozen and the boys playing a game together on Joey's school ipad that he gets to keep during the summer. Everyone is happy so I am not stressing over the fact that they are in front of screens on a Sunday. 
 Check out the chubbers- Love It! She spit up on her dress and I did not get her redressed yet.
 Sweet Arabella
 Lily who can not seem to stay away from her "Manfa" (Samantha) for too long. 
 My Joey is getting so big and I wish I could go back to the days when he was little but I do love who he is trying to become.
Oh Jon, you are a cheeser sometimes but you are always quick to laugh and help others to laugh as well. I hope you always have happiness in your life. 

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