Saturday, April 19, 2014

Birth Story- Samantha Style

 We arrived at 5:00 pm for a night of preparing for a delivery the next morning. 
Well, she did come the next morning, barely.
Since I was being induced early so that I could be off of my blood thinners for a set amount of time prior to delivery, I had to be given cervodil to get my body ready. 
As the nurse was giving it, she said that it could put me into labor.  I did not have high hopes because I thought that is what they used with Lily and it did not.
Well, about 1 1/2 hours after it was put in I had my first significant contraction followed by 3 more in that hour. They slowed down/ eased up for about an hour and then picked again about 10:00.
My nurse decided it was a good idea to call my doctor at 10:30 when I was dilated to a 4 and let her know that I would not be making it until the morning.
My doctor came in and by 11 she had  broken my water and took a seat on the couch in my room to await Samantha's arrival.  She was determined not to miss this one.
The contractions became much stronger and it became harder to talk through them and at 11:59 Peter mentioned that if I wanted to have her on the 11th I had 45 secs to do so.  I told him it was not going to happen.
About 30 secs after midnight, I had a really  hard contraction and told them I was starting to feel the need to push.  It was go time! My doctor stood in the doorway of my room and gathered the troops (aka the nurses and techs and nursery nurse).
At 12:06, with about 3ish pushes from me, Samantha came into the world and let us know she was here with a hearty cry. She was blue and had a bruise on her eye and shoulders from delivering so fast.  So fast meaning that she had not even fully descended (you know when they say a -2 or +2 when you are delivering as to where the babies head is at) when my water was broken. 
She had so much hair it was amazing!
Dr. Nazarian was so wonderful and truly did deliver Samantha- the first of my children to be delivered by the doctor since Joey. 
We are so happy she is here, we love her and her brothers and sisters have been super helpful with her- some possibly a little too helpful than is safe for Samantha but we are working on that. 

 Behold a million pictures
 Candid last prego photo
 I believe it was this kind of thing that landed us in this situation!
 Seeing her up close and Dr. Nazarian in the background.
 Proud Dad!
 Dad and his girls later that morning. 
 Jon took this one and it is a great pic!

 I do believe Joey held her too but Jon was taking pictures and Joey did not hold her that long so we missed the picture. 
Oh my goodness- look at that brood! I love them all and I would not trade any of them for anything. 
 Our fancy celebration meal from the hospital. Peter had steak and I had salmon. Yummy!
 Behold the hair (and slightly purple shoulders).

Ready to go home. So very small in her car seat!


Jana Clegg said...

Love everything! She is adorable and is lucky to be in your family!

Wendy said...

Oh, sweet baby! There is NOTHING in this world like a newborn babe, and especially when it is your own. I'm glad everything went well for you!

Brady and Lindsay Wood said...

what an angle!! i just booked our tickets today to come out and meet her in June!! cant wait!!

Lindsey said...

Love it! Congrats!!!! We so very much need to chat! She is beautiful and I am amazingly jealous of your delivery!!!