Monday, November 15, 2010

Busy Makers

We have not done too many exciting things lately but we have been working on a few projects.
Here Arabella is helping me to make pizza. She helped with each step and did really well.
Our Stake did roadshows with the youth and Peter helped with the scenery for our ward. You can not see it very well but he did a great job. Our youth did an even better job! It was so fun!
This is something I have been working on as a gift for someone. I am very happy with how it turned out. It took a bit more time than I would have thought at first but so worth it.

Peter had a pack meeting last Friday night and so he was busy making up some awards. He does a really good job.
The one above is for a new cub scout and is a headband.
This one is for a weblos award. And that is Parker Webster below receiving it.
They also retired a flag that night which was a neat experience. I have not seen that done since Girl's Camp and we don't need to speculate about how long ago that was!
The excitement for the holidays is mounting around our house. We are heading to Tennessee for Thanksgiving and then for Christmas my parents and a sister will be coming for a few days before. I feel so very grateful to have the chance to be around family for the holidays it helps make it seem more like home, I guess. I love my little family but you know what I mean about having your siblings and parents around it is...home.


Kelsey Booth said...

I love that Arabella helped make the pizza. Ali loves using the rolling pin. Can't wait to see you next week!

Brady and Lindsay Wood said...

Bells looks so cute in her little apron. I love it. We are so excited to see ya'll next week. Oh and Kels and I are going to bring a birthday treat for Bells to have on Wednesday since her birthday is on Sunday and we can do a little birthday party. I hope that is cool with you.