Thursday, September 22, 2016

In case you thought we all did was read around here...

We also find time to make crafts for fun and for others. 
 We take pictures in the cute pink chair with the arch of tutus at the dance store while getting new ballet shoes for Arabella. 
 We uphold the tradition of swimming on Labor Day at our friends' the Ostermiller's house. 

 The kids are using the blue cooler like a dive bell. 
We meet Lily's new teachers and play in the really cool learning lab. 

 Get all dolled up for church. 
 Start preschool - this is Jane Ostermiller who was super excited for her first day of preschool. Lily is indeed sporting Christmas socks! 
 We attempt potty training which goes really well for the first week and then takes a nose dive since but we will persevere. She will get it, right?!
 We put little girls in buckets! 
 We attend city council meetings for Cub Scout awards and...
 enjoy a beautiful night sky together on the way home.  (And Jon got more of his braces put on.)
 We collect giant trophies from friends to transform into the awards for the ward chili cook off. 
We get all dressed up for church a few more times and once mom makes you pose for a picture. (Don't they stair step down nicely height wise?) 

 We attend school fundraiser nights with In N Out burgers- yummy! 

 We go to pack meeting and Jon earns his Weblos award (stop growing up!).

 And we volunteer at the book fair where mom may need to entertain two year olds by taking pictures of them and selfies. 
September has been busy and fun and fulfilling. 
I also started teaching piano lessons this month to 9 other kids besides Jon and Arabella. That has made from some scheduling changes and we are still adjusting but it has been a fun experience for me to teach. I do love music and I hope to help others love it too. 
Peter and I have continued on our Dave Ramsey adventure and I am happy to report that except for our mortgage (Dave approve debt) WE ARE DEBT FREE!!! It is liberating! We still have plenty to get in order and our budget is a work in progress but I am feeling much better about where our money is going and how WE are choosing to spend it. We are praying we can keep up the momentum. 
September there are 8 days of you left and I hope they continue to be as good as the first 22. 


Wendy said...

Love you, lady!

Amanda Miller said...

Congrats on being debt free!