I decided I needed to do a few things with Lily and so we started going to story time here and there when my work/sleep schedule and story time did not collide. She now loves it and would go every day! It also helps that there are two different sticker collection cards. One card is just for visiting the library and when it is full you get a prize out of the treasure box. The other is for attending story time and then you get a free book when it is full.
Last week, I forgot the cards the one day so we went a few days later so we could get the sticker for visiting the library and I let the girls play. They had a great time.
It is that time of year again when I my kids start outgrowing their winter clothes even though there are a few more weeks of winterish weather off and on. And when they pull out their short sleeve shirts from last summer and fall they are too short or small. Well, Lily and I did some major shopping the other day to help us get ready for spring and summer at our house. These adorable shoes find their way into our cart. Lily loves them, as do I. All of my kids are getting big but Joseph is really getting tall- 5ft 1in and 98 lbs. He has pants that I bought in October that are too short now. I ordered him 3 new church shirts this week since the long sleeve one he wore this past Sunday was at least an inch to short showing way too much wrist and nearly forearm. I hope he keeps growing to his body's natural and comfortable height. It is strange to hug your child when you are practically the same height. I better bet used to it because one day they will all catch me and likely surpass me.