We have had some good rain and it has been spaced nicely so that the garden is really liking it.
And yes, that is a picture of me and I have been growing nicely too, which means baby girl is growing (and she is a mover)!
Sadly, about 1/3 of the bean plants you see in the picture below were dug up by Sasha- urgh!
It was one of those times that she knew she was in trouble and did not yip, bark, jump but just sat with puppy dog eyes trying to act innocent.
Below the zinnias (pink flower) on the left were planted from a store bought pack of flowers and the really tall just starting to bloom zinnia on the right was planted from seed by me.
Again, the cucumber plant that we have vining up the twine was planted from seed by me in my garden and the one in the forefront came from a 4 pack of plants I bought. It is the only one of the four that is still alive. The crazy ferny stuff is our asparagus.
I took this picture during the rain today. All of my calla lily plants came back and all of them have flowers on them. They are doing much better than last year. I love them. Maybe it is an omen since we are planing to name this baby Lilian or Lily for short.
The next four pictures depict other growing beings at our house: Joey, Jon, Arabella, and Sasha.
And now this last picture is to help you appreciate the power of rodents. We bought the edible tunnel on the right about 4 weeks ago and it looked like the one on the left when it started. And thus behold the power of 2 guinea pigs. If you have been lucky enough to never have a mouse in your house then this will give you an idea of the kind of damage rodents can do. (The gogurt wrapper is to give a measuring reference.)
We are happy, busy, and amazed at how fast time is moving. Jon finishes school this week and Joey has 12 more days of school (he is counting). When Joey is done with school I will have 2 months until I deliver- my doctor agreed to deliver me early so the first weekend of August! I am glad because I will have a few weeks to get back to feeling like myself before the boys head back to school. I promised the boys that we would try to do something fun each week like go to the zoo, museum, or at least the park. As the heat and humidity are descending and my feet are swelling some, this seems like a bigger deal than it might if I were not pregnant. I will be so happy to make the memories with my kids though and I am sure a trip to Sonic for cold drinks during happy hour will be a regular occurrence as well.