Monday, March 15, 2010

Visit to Utah

So, I have been home for a week and I am just now getting a chance to blog about my time in Utah. I left on a Thursday and came home on Monday and it was a most wonderful weekend. On Thursday, my parents picked me up and then they took me shopping for my birthday. We had a delicious dinner at Olive Garden and then I went to a card making/stamping night out with my sisters.
Arabella helping grandpa shovel the snow.
And there was some really good snow!

Sadie did manage to catch a ladybug despite the snow. The next day when the snow started to melt she also found a lot of roly poly bugs and asked me all about what kind of bugs and animals I have in my backyard.
The whold family got together to celebrate the March birthdays while I was there. Yes, that is Calee, I can not believe how tall she is! Carson has grown a lot too.

This is my new nephew Will (William Eric). He is so cute and I loved to hold him. There are more adorable pictures of him on my sister Jana's Blog (The Cleggers).

This is little Addie (Carla's little girl). She has the longest blonde eyelashes you will ever see.

Party goers!

What a pose?! I chose a german chocolate cake with coconut frosting (my favorite) and Randy chose strawberry pie. It was all very tasty! We also had Zubs sandwiches for lunch and it was so good!
This is how Arabella reacted anybody tried to hold her. My dad, mom, and sister Carla each had a 5 minute holding without any crying. What a little stinker.
I also while I was visiting spent a wonderful evening with Peter's family. It was great to see Megan and her family before they move to France. I met baby Lyra for the first time and she is super cute. I was a nerd though and did not get any pictures. You can check her out on the blog Joy in the Journey. Will was blessed on Sunday while I was there and it was a beautiful blessing. I loved my time with family and love my husband for letting me visit.
My next post will be the adventures of Peter and the boys while I was gone.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I know you were busy with family, but I wish I could've seen you too! Maybe next time I'm down in Texas... ;)