Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Tonight on a friend's blog I read about making lemonade from lemons the figurative kind. I decided I would make a quick entry about a lemon in my life that I am already seeing a pitcherful of lemonade. Peter is out of work and I was working 1-2 shifts a week but now I am working 3 shifts a week. This has been a lemon in my life and some days more sour than others. I am grateful for the blessing of having a job and the ability to provide for my family but I have found another way this is a blessing. At work, I spend 95% of my shifts in triage and before I started working more it was more like 99.9% of my shifts. As I have been working more, I have actually spent some time with bed assignements and I have had the chance to sharpen my IV skills and other such skills. It is a skill just to manage 4 beds and a hall patient/psych patient. I have realized that if Peter's new job, whenever he gets one or wherever, moves us away from Las Vegas I will be better prepared to get a new job. I have had mixed feelings about wether I want to work or take the chance to truly be a stay at home mom but if I do continue to work I am glad I have had the chance to sharpen my skills=Lemonade!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

yeah for you! although i don't think i want you to sharpen your IV skills on me - I'm a tough one if you miss! come to ohio!!! there's got to be work there! And I know there are a lot of hospitals... love looking for the silver linings!!!