Sunday, February 8, 2009

Karate Kids

I thought this was a cute picture of Peter reading to the kids. Jon wanted to hold Arabella so she could see the pictures. Peter is in the middle of being the big bad shark and so he has a bit of a funny face.
We decided to try our boys in Tae Kwan Do (we call it karate class). They took 4 free classes to see if they might like it and if we felt it would work for them. We felt this would be a good way for them to use some energy and at the same time learn to listen and follow instructions from some besides mom and dad. Also, Joey is learning to hold still which can be very hard for him. Jon has been working really hard on paying attention and partcipating for the whole class. Their teacher is great and they are doing well.
Wednesday they wore their uniforms for the first time and because they did well for the whole class they earned their white belts. Friday they each earned their first stripe. After three stripes they will earn their yellow belt. Joey also earned his first star. They earn stars by saving up five of the report cards they earn each class. Jon is almost there, he had a class or two that he did not stay out on the floor long enough to earn a report card.

Jon did not really want to do any of his positions once we got home but he sure looks cut in his little uniform.

Joey is in his ready stance. They are part of the Tiny Tiger class and he almost has the whole oath down. We are proud parents what can we say.


Kelsey Booth said...

Your kids are so stinkin' cute! Ali starts swimming lessons on Saturday and I am really excited. Its nice to have organized activities to do with them. I can't believe how much Bella looks like the boys.

Brady and Lindsay Wood said...

Thats what I was thinking she looks just like John. She has grown tons since ya'll were up here also. That is fun for the boys and totally good on the listening part for them. Next time I see them they will have to teach me some moves!