Saturday, March 23, 2019

December 2018: Other happenings before Christmas

Samantha and I enjoyed the beautiful weather one day! 

 Arabella participated in the school spelling bee and she did fantastic! 
 The most amazing part was when one girl was eliminated and began to cry and went back to sit in her seat which was right by Arabella. Arabella immediately threw her arms around the girl and comforted her. Mrs. Dawes, one of her teachers, came to me after and said, " Of all of the amazing academic achievements that girl will have in her life it is her heart that will take her to great places." She described Arabella perfectly! 
 And Samantha and I colored this tree while we had to be incredibly quiet during the spelling bee. 
 We did a practice run for our holiday Korean dinner. 
It was delicious! We also learned a lot. 

 All 3 girls had a Christmas concert on the same night and Peter was out of town. So, the boys took Arabella and Lily to their concert and then walked them home. 
 I took Samantha to her concert.
Those little kiddos sounded like angels! 

 And some class party action! 
December is a busy month with many good things going on and it seems to get a bit busier when you have 5 kids to take care of but I would not trade it for anything! I feel like I am in the thick of parenting- critical moments and conversations, priceless moments and conversations and the trick is keeping those as the priority. 

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