Monday, June 18, 2012

"Scouting Workhorse"

 So, yesterday was Father's day and I have a great man to write about.
 I took this picture this morning at 3:45 am just before Peter headed out for a week of scout camp.
He was excited- he loves scouting, he loves camping, and he loves being outdoors.
Someone recently told me that whenever they think of my husband or hear his name the envision him in a Scout shirt; which she said was funny because she was not sure if she had ever actually seen him in a scout shirt.  Peter is a scouter.  My dad was one of those dad's who asked if a date or potential date had their eagle scout- Peter ironically is the only one who was ever able to say yes, I believe.  My dad was right an eagle scout would be the best kind of man to marry. If Peter never served in any other capacity in the church except for scouting callings he would die a happy man. 
 About the same time as the scout shirt comment, I overheard someone call Peter a workhorse.
We were helping a family move in and Peter was fully in his element in the back of the moving truck unloading boxes, bags, and furniture fast enough that he was keeping just about all of the other men stocked up with items to carry into the house.  He knows how to get a move done! 
Peter also loves to get a new toy, aka tool.
He recently acquired a tree pruning tool (the orange stick).  I believe he had to wait a whole day to use it and it just about killed him.  He was ready to get up in our big trees and thin them out.  
His reasoning was that there was too much shade and our new grass, though shade tolerant, would need some sunlight to grow.  Whatever makes you happy my dear!
Other words I would use to describe Peter is spiritual, stubborn, determined, helpful, and truly amazing with our kids.  He loves to play with them and laugh with them.  I worked on Saturday night and he was amazing: he bathed all of the kids, made caramel popcorn and watched a movie with the kids.  He also made the breakfast casserole I planned for a father's day so that I could sleep before church.  
I truly could not ask for a better husband and father for my children.

1 comment:

Brady and Lindsay Wood said...

I would have to agree Pete is a pretty amazing guy. You caught a good one Shell.