Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School (and final summer days)

Yesterday was the first day of school and these boys were excited!
Jon had become nervous about school and so that made me more nervous than I remember being for Joey's first day of kindergarten. But by the time I picked them up yesterday Jon acted like a school pro!
This bag was on the table. It had the word new on it already- Jon added his name and the word bag without any help and he was so proud of himself - he needed a picture.
For our final days of summer, we loved on sweet Lily,
played on the swing set (and changed our own clothes),
had some pictures taken of Lily,
swam one more time at the Bishop's house (The boys swam twice a week with Lindsay and Emily White who helped them become much better swimmers. Arabella and I tagged along at least once a week.)

Took a few naps.
Enjoyed her some more! She had an appointment yesterday for a 2 week check- she weighed
7 lbs 10 oz and was 21 inches long. You grow girl!
Peter was great on the last Saturday he: mowed the lawn, helped with a move, adopt-a-spot clean up, bountiful baskets pick up, washed the cars, and washed the dog all before noon.

Finally, here are two videos for your enjoyment. First, Jon swimming- at the beginning of the summer on our first day we could not get Jon off of the step even with his life jacket on. Yes, we are so proud of his progress. Second, Joey had karate testing. For him, it was a midterm. In two months he will test for his black belt recommended belt and then 4 months after that he will test for his black belt. This is the form he will do for that testing. He is making good progress but still has a few things to perfect. We are very proud of his hard work.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Wow; Lily looks so big already! So glad Jon adapted quickly; he's going to have so much fun! I will give you a call soon!