Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Two Towers and the "First Line of Defense"

I know, what am I doing making three posts so close together. Well, I finally had time to find the State Fair pictures and while I was messing around on the computer I downloaded all of the pictures from the camera which led to the arboretum post and this is one that I just felt I should share.
Peter and I have been putting our treadmill to good use the last 6 or 7 weeks. Peter lined our garage with shelves and he put one at the perfect spot in front of the treadmill so that the laptop can be placed on it and you can watch a movie or I actually checked my email during my cool down the other day. Thank you Peter for making the treadmill much more enjoyable!
Peter's preferred viewing is NCIS seasons discs or he got an early birthday present of The Unit- the first 2 seasons. I enjoy full episodes of various shows but lately I have been watching The Lord of the Rings extended edition movies. I am on The Two Towers right now and watched the battle at Helm's Deep on Tuesday. This is such a wonderful part in the film. It seems that all is lost but the elves show up to fight and Aragorn fights so nobly and provides confidence to the old and young. Then there is the humerous interchanges between Gimli and Legalos. Watch it again if you have not seen it recently.
Well this last Sunday I taught the fourth Sunday lesson in Relief Society and it was on Elder Ballard's talk from the April Conference "Mothers and Daughters". So, as I was watching the orcs use a bomb to blow apart the "indestructible" wall of Helm's Deep I thought about this quote from his talk :"As mothers in Israel, you are your daughters’ first line of defense against the wiles of the world." You see, Helm's Deep had but one weak spot- a drainage hole with a grate over it. A man could walk into it but in comparison to the wall it was small. When the explosion occurs there is collateral damage to both forces due to falling debris but then the orcs start swarming in through the hole. Gimli is on the wall still and without hesitation he flings himself down upon the orcs and then stands and attacks the enemy with all his might. Aragorn and Legalos are quick to join the encounter and they do all they can to defend the keep. But there is the battering ram beating at the door which eventually splinters and breaks. There is now another way in. The people of Rohan are eventually pushed into the king's chambers/Keep despite their valiant efforts. They decide to ride into the forces of the enemy and "go down fighting". Well it is the morning of the fifth day and Gandolf is true to his word and arrives with reinforcements. They look to the East and there is the hope that will make their victory possible: new soldiers, Gandolf, and LIGHT.
So back to my comparison, as I watched Gimli so boldly attack the enemy I thought to myself this is what we as mothers need to do. Well, first we should be aware of our weaknesses in the defense of our homes and be vigilant in monitoring those. Then, if there is a breach we should throw ourselves full force at the enemy. We must protect our children and homes! We may feel outnumbered or outskilled but in the end it was the LIGHT and reinforcements that turnd the tide. I find peace in knowing that I am my children's first line of defense and I plan to defend them like Gimli but there is help out there. I have Peter, my other family members, church leaders, primary teachers, prayer, the temple, the priesthood, the Holy Ghost and the Savior-"I am the a light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." (John 8:12). The Savior really is what gives me the strength I need to face the challenges of life and motherhood. And, I will do whatever it takes to get my children to know Him and have a testimony of him for themselves.
So on a final light note: "The Lord is my light, then why should I fear?By day and by night , his presence is near. He is my salvation from sorrow and sin; this blessed assurance the Spirit doth bring. The Lord is my light; he is my joy and my song. By day and by night He leads, he leads me along." (Check out the third verse of this song as well.)


Megan said...

i love all of your new posts and pics and thoughts! the lord of the rings comparison is fantastic. i remember feeling that way on my mission. it was so clear for me to see the good and bad sides in the world, all waiting for the hero/savior to come and the fighting going on all the time. thanks for your thoughts! lots of loves.

by the way, i haven't forgotten the postcards. they are bought and i'm working on something to send as well, so they will be in the mail soon!

Kalina Family said...

Shellie - you always inspire me when you share your thoughts. I really do miss having you as OUR RS instructor. Your family looks great, love all the pics!