Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My sister Malisa and her husband Tom were in town for the weekend and Arabella and I took them to the Arboretum. It was our first trip and it was beautiful!
We loved having visitors. They spent the day with us on Sunday and then on Monday we did the Arboretum and lunch. They went to the Cowboys game and flew home on Tuesday. We welcome anyone who would like to come for a visit. They got homemade pie with their Blue Bell, you could have that too! :)
I am a nerd and did not get any pictures of Tom and Malisa with my camera. But Arabella was fun to take pictures of!
They had so many awesome pumpkins and gourds.
This one rattled when you shook it.
The awsome pumpkin display. The houses were made of steel and had this circles all over the outside that the pumpkins and gourds rested in.

She is so cute, I could eat her up!
She did not want to go in the Teepee until I went in and even still she was hesitant.
The wagon was less threatening I guess.
Beautiful butterfly. This is something I have seen much more of here compared to Las Vegas and it is great!
This is the only picture with evidence of Tom and Malisa-their legs! I loved Arabella smelling the flower! I hope to go again, I may consider a pass we will have to see.

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