Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Joey is a Brown Belt!

Joey had belt testing a couple of weeks ago and he did awesome!
I have not seen him this excited about getting a new belt. I think it is because he is getting so much closer to his black belt. He only has two belts to go but the testing process is longer so he should be getting his black belt next February! We are excited too!

Showing off his skills!
Look at his concentration and still he has a smile. He has had this form down for a while now and so we had to work on him doing it more slowly and not just race through it.
He is the one kicking! He has been working really hard on kicking more and higher and it is paying off.
Just after getting his new belt tied on.
The pure excitement! What a silly boy!
We are so proud of Joey! He is facing some challenges but he is happy through it and is always trying so hard to do his best!


Jennie said...

Wow! I'm so impressed!! Looks like he is a go getter - just like his parents. :)

Kelsey Booth said...

Yeah!!! That is so amazing that he so progressed so far. I know he loves it and he is doing a great job. Give him a big high five for me!